“Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.” 1 Timothy 4 : 14 NIV One night in December, I was hanging some ornaments that were still in a small box by one of our Christmas trees. This tree is particularly tricky and probably has only remained the one that I setup in my home office because of pure nostalgia. Its simplicity accents the woodsy, outdoorsy ornaments I usually like to put there, and its cheap sparseness allows for big portions of larger red ornaments to show through. In short, it’s the tree I set up to reflect both a bit of my history and some of my dreams. But it’s literally on its last leg, balanced by a mispurposed D-clamp just weighting along the base and -interestingly - most of the heavy ornaments we own, placed carefully on the side I can’t even see. We have a great bay window in that space and being that I’m able to look at the tree, the lights and the outdoors from my desk, I find it very i
Imagination, Creativity and Encouragement. A blog by J. Harrison Hart.